Friday, April 25, 2014

You can't rewind your teacher (Video in the Classroom)

I remember the days when seeing a video in school was a big ordeal. You were lucky to see a video really at all. I got lucky one semester in High School where our class time was spent watching Headline News - then talking about the news for the rest of class. Video today is becoming more and more common place in the schools. Making videos available online, either done by the teacher themselves, or posted to various websites like youtube or KahnAcademy makes your lesson available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can pause, rewind, fast forward through the boring stuff - anything you need to insure you grasp the lesson at hand. While currently not a teacher, I would think having my lessons online would benefit not only me, but my students as well. I would only have to 'teach' once and put that video on line, for my students to watch. I could spend more time helping students who need a little extra assistance during class (assuming a flipped classroom scenario). Several sites are available for sharing/posting of lessons - Kahn, Schooltube and Teachertube were the ones I saw most promising. There are of course videos on YouTube but that is a risky site. Thankfully they developed programs to strip away all the fluff and allow you to download the video itself. All in all I believe the days of 'live lectures' day after day in the classroom are going to be few and far between in the not too distant future. As technology evolves, so does the means of educating our children. With today's children having access to the internet almost anywhere and them being exposed to devices like iPads - keeping up with educational technology will help guide not only the student learning habits, but also the teacher's habits as well.


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